For organisations with large vegetation footprints, our tree mapping service makes tree management and risk mitigation initiatives possible at scale.
What is a Tree Mapping Report
An Independent Arboricultural Service tree mapping report gives grounds managers and key stakeholders a portable and easily referenced tool for discussion, planning and decision making and day-to-day activities with regard to trees and other vegetation assets. With the latest asset management system Tree Plotter we are able to provide long term management solutions from small to large inventories.
Our tree maps are precision GPS-plotted using high accuracy equipment (including the optional Trimble R2). The tree mapping reports are accompanied with a photo to visually identify each tree of interest, along with a reference code as a unique identifier. This makes it possible to carry out sophisticated, long-running plant health care program on a tree-by-tree basis with no chance of confusion/mistaken identity.
Our tree mapping reports are provided electronically so you can review and share them as required.
Who uses a tree mapping report?
Government buildings
Landscape architects
Private estates
We can provide reference-friendly tree maps that provide a clear indication of where trees are placed and individually catalogued. Maps are produced using hand held GPS and (optional) Trimble R2, Trimble TDC 150 or EMLID RS2 devices.
GIS / CAD PLANS / Vegetation management plans
With our in house draftsperson, we are able to provide both GIS Mapping and CAD based plans detailing the impacts of works on vegetation and required protection measures.
Independent Arboricultural Services produces accurate, GPS-coordinated digital tree maps of schools, playgrounds, universities, hospitals and anywhere else a tree management plan is needed for safety and insurance reasons.
Roger Rankine capturing the coordinates of a tree using a Trimble R2 GNSS receiver for plotting into an Independent Arboricultural Services Tree Mapping Report.
An example of an in house produce CAD based Tree Protection Plan