We are able to undertake tree assessment and valuation utilising industry endorsed tree valuation methods including the latest MIS506 Tree Valuation. With experience in court related matters, Independent Arboricultural Services is able to provide detailed and reliable valuation methods and reporting.

Independent Arb Tree valuation

Tree Valuation can be utilised for a range of requirements,

  • Valuation of a single or multiple trees

  • Valuation to assist in tree disputes

  • Valuation to assist the tree owner to understand the value of significant vegetation.

  • Peer reviewing of valuation reports.

Independent Arboricultural Services holds current industry memberships with the Queensland Arboricultural AssociationArboriculture Australia and the International Society of Arboriculture.

Independent Arb utilises the latest Tree Valuation Methods including MIS506 Tree Valuation

Independent Arb has significant experience in tree valuation and providing detailed reports.